alemán Imperio Jägernr: 372 1940 zonas muy ya Aluminio 1940 50 Reichspfennig águila imperial
18,00 EUR precio de catálogo, de acuerdo Jaeger 2011 Aufl. 22
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
producto: monedas
área: alemán Imperio
razón por tema: 1940 50 Reichspfennig águila imperial
título: Jägernr: 372 1940 zonas muy ya Aluminio
los números de catálogo: 372
año: 1940
Condición: muy ya
material: Aluminio, peso: 1,333 gramos, diámetro: 22,5 mm, Schönnr.: 95 1940 zonas
XThis product bears a hallmark of a prohibited party or association. Therefore, we have this symbol on the product illustration covered: X. According to §§ 86 a, 86 para. 3 StGB, such marks may not be distributed or used publicly. Except for the use for the purpose of civic education, the defense unconstitutional efforts, the art or science, research or teaching, reporting on events of current affairs or history or similar purposes. We identify in no way with this indicator and sell the product under the assumption that a use takes place only for legitimate purposes.
To avoid misunderstandings, we point out that the X icon in the picture is not included.
Item ID | 177889 |
Condition | |
Age rating | 18 and older |
Variation ID | M14307 |
Manufacturer | Prophila Handelsgesellschaft mbH |
Manufacturing country | |
Content | 1 |
Weight | 99 g |
Dimensions | 0×0×0 mm |